Friday, December 18, 2009

My Journey: Inspirational Quotes

Here's a quote by Goethe that I find truly inspiring.  Personally, I think it speaks to the image of God in each and everyone of us. We simply ARE, just as God is the I AM. Enjoy the quote and read it with a sincere spirit of humility at the awesomeness of God that he gave us such amazing powers- to be co-heirs of the kingdom.

Remain abundantly blessed!


"I have come to the frightening conclusion that I AM the decisive element.
It is my personal approach that creates the climate.
It is my daily mood that makes the weather.
I possess tremendous power to make life miserable or joyous.
I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration.
I can humiliate or humor; hurt or heal.
In all situations, it is my response that determines whether a crisis
is escalated or de-escalated, and a person is humanized and dehumanized.
If we treat people as they are, we make them worse.
If we treat people as they ought to be,
we help them become what they are capable of becoming".


My Journey: A heartfeltcard and an unexpected gift!

Thanks again for visiting my blog. I'll be sharing my thoughts and insights on how my life changed dramatically from receiving a heartfelt greeting card and book from someone. I've used simple tools gained from that single action to unlock the abundance that sorrounds us all. I am attracting wonderful people and positivity into my life. I want you to share in this my beautiful journey of awakening and rebirth.

As mentioned earlier, my turning point started when someone sent me a gift that included a heartfelt card and a book of quotations. The simple message in the card unlocked something in me. Each day, after after saying my morning prayers and reading a verse from my bible, I'd reread the message in the card, and a quote from the book, I'd then consciously reflect on that quote for the day and apply insights from it to my daily living both with my family and in my prfessional practice. This has led me on a journey thats attracted positive family members, mentors, friends, internet gurus and strangers who are sharing their love, wisdom, knowledge and friendship with me. Each day, I send at least one card to people to acknowledge them, thank them, celebrate them, love them and hopefully inspire them. If I can touch just one person and also unlock in them, this abundance that has been freely bestowed upon me, it would all simply be worth it! So, open up your mind and explore with me.
All the best!


Friday, June 12, 2009

My Journey: Choosing to live a life of Gratitude

We are often caught up in our little pity parties. We focus on everything that is wrong and bad in our lives. The little miracles of daily living escape our jaded eyes. Yet, it remains true that once we begin to focus on the joys in our lives, more joyous events and people and things find a home with us.

Living a life of gratitude is a choice that we can all make. The alternative is the cloudening of our senses to true living! A grateful heart makes no room for greed, scorn, anger, resentment and discontent. Rather, it is overflowing with love and beauty and contentment. Gratitude speaks to the realization of the 'now' and the hope of tomorrow.

The expression 'take the time to smell the roses' is a push to stand still in spirit and appreciate the sheer joy of just being. It is a call to inhale the very fragrance of life and to bask in the freedom of awareness.

All the love and beauty and wealth we crave will come our way when we begin to be truly grateful for our 'NOW'. Gratitude awakens our creative juices, it gives us a quiet courage to be thankful for what is and be ready to fight for what can be.

The choice to unlock all that you can be is in your hands. Can you begin a new journey today? Can you be grateful for the little things?

Remain abundantly blessed!


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Introduction to the laws of the 3 A's.

There are thousands of different laws in the universe. Each governs a certain aspect of our existence. Some laws were made popular through science eg law of gravity. Others allude to the balance that exists in nature eg law of reciprocity, law of karma etc.
However, the laws that govern living a balanced, healthy, happy and meaningful life are the laws that I find most intriguing. This is because, these laws are often overlooked and neglected in our crazy, fast-paced world. The result of this negligence or lack of awareness stares us in the face every day; chaos, anxiety, lack, strife, insomnia, depression, tiredness of the body and spirit.....

I hope you begin to be more aware of these universal laws because they have completely changed my life for the best. I call them the laws of the 3 A's:
  • +Attraction
  • Abundance
  • Agape love
Law of +Attraction

Most people are familiar with the law of Attraction especially with the publication of the book 'The Secret". If you haven't read the book, please grab a copy as soon as you can! Another good read that deals with just awareness is "A New Earth". This law simply states that you are the decisive element telegraphing your wants, desires, capabilities into the universe and the universe will return to you, that which you have sent to it. The law of +Attraction goes a step further in defining the frequency or 'quotient of living' at which you are operating. It is a positive energy field that insulates you from all negativity. This does not mean 'bad' events will not happen to you but rather that they will NOT penetrate your field because the core of your existence is simply untouched. And because you are so in touch with your core, you simply ARE. The bible puts it succintly 'you are in the world but not of the world'. I will delve deeper into the law of +Attraction in subsequent posts.

Law of Abundance

This law goes against everything that we have been trained as humans to believe. 'Survival of the fittest', 'kill and destroy the competition', etc are quotes thast have become ingrained in our subconscious. However, the truth is that there is more than enough to go round. Nature renews continually, the universe rebalances itself and we create man made scarcity and lack out of our need to dominate and based on the fear of poverty. The awareness of the law of Abundance frees us from our imaginary prison walls to the fullness of all that is always around us- resources (human and material), that abound bountifully. Whenever I think abundance, the best analogy that comes to mind is the feeding of thousands with 2 fishes and 5 loaves.....difficult to comprehend, yet easy to understand!

Law of Agape Love
This is the law above all laws because it is inexplical but demands our total understanding if we are to break away from a yoke of abuse, curses, negativity and walk in the light of abundance +Attraction and fully live a life of beauty, boldness and balance.
We are all connected by the essence of God who is HIMSELF love. We are not capable of this love on our own but when we die to self and live for others, we begin to grow in that love. From the book ' Difficult doctrine of the love of God by D.A Carson, it states that “God is love.” God does not merely love; He is love itself. Everything God does flows from His love. But it is important to remember that God’s love is not a sappy, sentimental love such as we often hear portrayed. God loves because that is His nature and the expression of His being. He loves the unlovable and the unlovely (us!), not because we deserve to be loved, but because it is His nature to do so, and He must be true to His nature and character. In the same way, we are to love others sacrificially. Jesus gave the parable of the Good Samaritan as an example of sacrifice for the sake of others, even for those who may care nothing at all for us, or even hate us. Sacrificial love is not based on a feeling, but a determined act of the will, a joyful resolve to put the welfare of others above our own. But this type of love does not come naturally to humans. Because of our fallen nature, we are incapable of producing such a love. If we are to love as God loves, that love—that agape—can only come from its true Source.

On my next post, I'll delve into how you can use the awareness and understanding of these laws to build a solid foundation in your relationships, challenges, businesses, network marketing, work places etc See you soon.

Remain abundantly blessed!!!
